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Look what you've done to this rock'n'roll clown

Call Me "Crusty"

After nearly a year of visiting my doctor to try to find out what mysterious condition was causing bizarre patches of flaky skin on choice locations throughout my body, I was able to finally visit a dermatologist who looked at me for a few seconds and said, "No question, you’ve got psoriasis." Bleah. Well, at least I now have a diagnosis and a treatment plan; Prior to this, my regular doctor was just making it up as she went along, prescribing a random array of creams and ointments to see if any of them did anything.

Anyway, if you notice my hair is all flaky and it looks like there’s been an isolated snowstorm on my shoulders, now you know it’s not just run-of-the-mill dandruff or bad grooming (although that can’t ever be ruled out either), I’ve actually got a diagnosed medical condition, bub. I just hope I can get it under control before I drown in a sea of skin flakes.