I am The Doctor

My friend James clued me in on the existence of a fine TV and radio program from the BBC called Dead Ringers. It’s a prank call show, but what separates this from the Jerky Boys or Crank Yankers is that the pranskters are talented impressionists.

One of the most heavily-used characters for these prank calls is “The Doctor”, an actor who does a mighty fine Dr Who (as portrayed by Tom Baker) impression, confusing his hapless victims with bewildering talk of Daleks, alternate timestreams, time travel, and past and future selves.

(For those of you whose Dr Who knowledge stops at the “you mean the guy with the long scarf and the puffy hair?” level, it is that very same Doctor [who was played by actor Tom Baker] who is being sent up in these sketches).

Anyway, there are a few RealAudio clips from Dead Ringers linked from the offical Dr Who site, and a few mp3 files of the same available on the p2p networks (a fine use for Poisoned). What I haven’t yet found anywhere are clips from the TV series. Apparently the aforementioned prankster actually walks about in full TomBakerDrWho regalia, leading to further hilarity. Hoo!
