
Earlier I wrote a few words about the Bush Dyslexicon I was reading. Well, I’ve now finished it. Toward the end, things started to get repetitive; I felt quite certain that the author was re-using some of the Bushisms he was quoting, and overall it just seemed to be getting overly long. After reading Bush’s various malapropisms one after another after another, eventually you get the point. Fortunately, the Afterword wraps things up nicely, tying together all the points made throughout the book.

So now I’m on to bigger, fresher fish to fry: namely, Al Franken’s wonderful Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. Anyone who’s been paying any attention to political books these days will already have heard about this book and probably formed an opinion based on which wing of the Plutocratic Party they belong to, but for the undecided amongst you: You Must Buy This Book. Besides exposing the deceitful tactics of the rabid right who (unfortunately) set the tone of discourse in American media, it’s also pretty damn funny.
