stupid internet

Some damned punk spammed the comments. I’ve cleaned it up, but posting new comments is disabled until further notice…

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I am .mpg

According to this quiz:

You are .mpg You live life like it was a movie.  Constantly in motion, you bring pleasure to many, but are often hidden away.
Which File Extension are You?

Well, that certainly beats being a .inf or a .bak, that’s for sure.

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Now We Are Really Fucked

TBogg nails it:

Four more years of American soldiers being used as cannon fodder.

Four more years of scientific decisions being made by people who believe in a ghost in the clouds.

Four more years of debt that our children and grandchildren will have to pay off.

Four more years of racists and lunatics for judicial appointments

Four more years of looting the treasury and squandering it on corporate cronies.

Four more years of making enemies faster than we can kill them.

Four more years of fear and darkness and racism and hatred and stupidity and guns and bad country music.

I look at the big map and all of the red in flyover country and I feel like I’ve been locked in a room with the slow learners. We have become the country that pulls a dry cleaning bag over its head to play astronaut.

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BushPanic 1.0.0

Now available for both Mac and Windows, it’s about time for some BushPanic.

Click here for details on this crazy new shoot’em’up.

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spinvaders 0.0.3

Another two months, another handful of new changes.

(It’s amazing how little spare time one can find to work on hobby projects during vacation and parental leave)

  • Cleaned up event handling code; this should fix some bizarre hanging problems.

  • Smoothed out the falling monster trail.

  • Enhanced alien explosion clouds.

  • Levels are now differentiated further. Earlier levels have fewer enemies.

  • After every five levels you are given a level skip code.

  • There are now “super aliens” which require two hits with the normal weapon (or one with the super gun) to kill them.

  • High-score table!

And here’s where to get it:

  • spinvaders for Macintosh (OS X 10.3 or later)

  • No windows build of spinvaders 0.0.3 is available at this time

Installation is the same as before: The Mac version is in a disk image; you can copy the enclosed application and run it from wherever you like.

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