22 Dec 2015
I’ve had what you might call an email problem. Before Getting Things Done was
published, and long before Merlin Mann started talking about Inbox Zero, I
was already in a deep, dark pit of email messages, both read and unread (and
plenty that were actually read but were marked as unread). I’m going to tell
you how I got there, and how and why I got out of it.
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25 Nov 2015
Anyone who knew me as a teenager or young adult is likely to remember that
music was a big part of my life back then. I was constantly joining or forming
bands, writing songs, and playing in front of people as often as I could manage
to find gigs.
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04 Sep 2014
My first attempt at Vogon Poetry, inspired by a joke I made on the thoughtbot chat today.
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03 Jul 2014
(reposted from Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots, where it originally appeared May 30, 2014)
In the iOS 7 SDK, Apple gave developers programmatic access to Text
Kit, an advanced text layout system that lets you easily display and
edit rich text in your applications. Although these capabilities are new to iOS,
they’ve existed in other contexts (OS X since its first release, and OpenStep
before that) for nearly two decades, in what’s called the Cocoa text system. In fact, if you’ve used OS X at all, there
is a near 100% chance that you’ve run apps built with the Cocoa text system.
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03 Jul 2014
(reposted from Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots, where it originally appeared February 19, 2014)
From time to time I’ve been asked to do an independent code review, to determine the overall health of a client’s code base. Unlike a code walkthrough, where someone familiar with the code shows the main components, this is a code review where an outside expert examines the project, takes copious amounts of notes, and reports back either in written form or in a meeting with the team, depending on what the client wants.
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