NEWS FLASH: Republican Corruption!

OK, I can’t say I’m surprised by corruption in the current U.S. administration that is being revealed more and more these days. Between Tom DeLay’s money laundering, Bill Frist’s stock dumping, and FEMA’s no-bid contracts for Katrina cleanup, well, it’s all pretty clear evidence of the philosophical bankruptcy of the republican party, and the end of the "Republican Revolution". In other words, no big surprise.

However, even I was surprised to read this seemingly clear-cut case of republican operatives’ mob connections (including hitmen!):

The fraud allegedly committed by Abramoff and his business partner Adam Kidan involved a phony wire transfer they used to purchase a controlling interest in SunCruz from the company’s founder, Konstantinos “Gus” Boulis, in 2001.

Abramoff and Kidan later fell out with Boulis in a bitter business dispute that turned violent. In February 2001, gunmen ambushed Boulis on a Fort Lauderdale, Fla., highway and shot him repeatedly. On Tuesday, Florida authorities arrested three New York men with mob connections for the Boulis killing. Two of the men – Anthony Moscatiello and Tony Ferrari – had received payments totaling more than $240,000 from Kidan and Abramoff. Moscatiello, a longtime associate of the Gambino Mafia family, and Ferrari were supposedly providing food and consulting services to SunCruz – or so Kidan claimed when questioned by prosecutors. There is no evidence, however, that Moscatiello and Ferrari provided any services to the company.

Connecting the dots isn’t difficult here: Kidan and Abramoff want to get rid of Boulis, who won’t go away. Kidan and Abramoff hire Moscatiello and Ferrari with SunCruz money. Moscatiello and Ferrari allegedly whack Boulis, without any motive of their own. If the Broward County state’s attorney has sufficient evidence to win convictions for a capital crime, some people will probably be talking soon in hope of avoiding the hot shot.

Just to reiterate, let’s repeat some of that last paragraph in big, bold bullets:

Damn. I mean, damn! It’s been clear for a while that Abramoff is a real piece of work, but this is just over the top. These are the kinds of murderous bastards that our man GWB is fronting for. Hooray for us, for putting this kind of thuggery in the White House, time and again. To quote Wanda Sykes, "You can't blame the blind man for wrecking your car when you're the one who gave him the keys."
